You will move forward with new energy and enthusiasm. Concerns related to spouse’s health may increase. You can get support from family in completing scattered tasks.
Better to invest in property. Results can be found. Forget the past and get busy in work, you will be successful. Sharing personal things with others can be harmful.
Be gentle while talking to officials. An atmosphere of conflict may arise at the workplace over some issue. Some people will deliberately try to hurt.
In order to celebrate success, we will leave important work midway. A situation of dilemma can hinder progress. Respect will increase in the society.
A state of fear can prevent one from taking decisions. You will feel difficulty in work due to opponents. Trying to get the work done by lying can be harmful.
It will be beneficial to take decisions with everyone’s consent in group work. The company of experienced people can give a new direction to your career.
Decisions taken in haste may have to be changed. Time and money will be wasted in unnecessary disputes. Starting a new scheme can be beneficial. Income will increase.
Interest in risky activities will increase. Profit is possible in import-export business. Officers will be happy with their work.
You will remain busy due to new responsibilities. Efforts to resolve controversial issues through dialogue will be successful.
Your colleagues will be unhappy with your rude Behaviour. You will not feel like doing everyday tasks and you can think of doing something new.
There may be a dispute with someone over matters. Opportunities for promotion in job may increase. Lack of funds in the new scheme can cause problems. Be patient.
A plan will be made to purchase land, building or vehicle. There will be pressure to complete the work on time. There is a possibility of spending on luxuries.